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Wetzlarer Hotelbetriebs GmbH
Karl-Kellner-Ring 42
35576 Wetzlar

Telefon: +49 (0) 6441-9060
Telefax: +49 (0) 6441-906111

Represented by:
Managing Director Sven Appelt

Eingetragen im Handelsregister.
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Gießen
Registernummer: HRB 9351

Umsatzsteuer-ID: Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer nach §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE316704388

Notice in accordance with the Online Dispute Resolution Regulation

According to applicable law, we are obliged to inform consumers about the existence of the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform, which can be used to resolve disputes without involving a court. The platform is provided by the European Commission. The European Online Dispute Resolution Platform can be found here: Our email is:

However, we would like to point out that we are not willing to participate in the dispute resolution process through the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform. Please use our above email or phone number to contact us.


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+49 (0) 6441 - 906-0

Best Western Hotel Wetzlar
Karl-Kellner-Ring 42
35576 Wetzlar
Fax: +49 (0) 6441 - 906111