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Breakfast in Wetzlar

Breakfast in Wetzlar

Breakfast in Wetzlar

Breakfast in Wetzlar

Room 1 1   0
Room 2 1   0
Room 3 1   0
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A start to a new day can NOT be tastier & beautiful:

Our delicious breakfast buffet garnished with a wonderful view of the countryside and the cathedral of Wetzlar!
Our delicious and rich breakfast buffet will let you start the day in a good mood in the morning. Our colourful buffet has a bit of everything – especially something for everyone. From sweet to savoury to healthy and vital, every guest gets their own individual taste money's worth. All this garnished with a beautiful terrace and a view of Wetzlar Cathedral. Enjoy the sound of the Lahn, listen to the birds chirping and enjoy the treasures of our breakfast buffet - what more could you want...

Would you like a "breakfast rendezvous" with friends and family? Then you've come to the right place

Enjoyment is for everyone. Therefore, our delicious breakfast buffet is open to all guests - not only our hotel guests. Enjoy a "breakfast rendezvous" with your loved ones on our beautiful terrace in wonderful weather, and the relaxing weekend can begin together.

Price per Person: 14,00 EUR

Children up to 10 years pay only half price

Breakfast times:
On working days: 06.30 Uhr – 10.00 o'clock
On weekends: 07.00 Uhr – 10.30 o'clock

Frühstück in Wetzlar

It doesn't matter if they're vegans, vegetarians, omnivores, or flexitarians. No matter what your dietary preference or needs are, we cater to people with all tastes. Enjoy coffee and carefully selected teas, pastries fresh from the bakery, cold cuts and delicious cheeses, scrambled eggs, sausages and crispy bacon, or you can also go to the buffet to create a masterpiece if you prefer. Choose from cereals, fruits, yogurt, and more. Enjoy the most important meal of the day at the Best Western Hotel in Wetzlar.

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Vouchers: Our tip for you

Give away a voucher for our delicious breakfast buffet! The recipient will certainly be happy! Please feel free to contact us.
Voucher shop>>

Do you suffer from food intolerances? Talk to us! We will be happy to help you and adapt the buffet according to your needs.

We look forward to your visit!


+49 (0) 6441 - 906-0

Best Western Hotel Wetzlar
Karl-Kellner-Ring 42
35576 Wetzlar
Fax: +49 (0) 6441 - 906111